Raglan (Waingaroa in Maori) has three “World Class” spots (which means maximum stoke).
The first one is Manu Bay, an ultra-crowded spot also featured in the infamous documentary “Endless Summer” from 1966. It is an excellent spot for both experts and beginners. Expert surfers have the chance to get barreled at the “ledge”, while beginners can surf the middle section of the wave.
The particular conformation of the sea bottom makes it possible to surf waves that can go on for a minute (which in surfing world is a lot).

Further west, there are Whale Bay, a long and permissive wave for intermediates, and “Indicators”, a wave best for intermediates to experts. “Indies” can also hold very big swells, with the chance of taking off on a wave from the “outsides” section and ending up to Whale Bay on most epic days! We’re talking about a kilometer ride!!! In this conditions, it takes half an hour just to paddle back to the peak…
The New Zealand Surfing Guide (which I highly recommend) about “Indies” writes: “You’ll hit speed barrel sections, cutty sections, and eventually end up screaming through towards ” the Valley” [note: the last section] at Mach 2. At this point, the wave can become ridiculously fast, and on lower tides very shallow. It’s not unusual to see a few rocks popping up as you speed through”. I can confirm every single word.
A Drone Video of “Indies” on a great day when I was there too.
We Talked About:
The New Zealand Surfing Guide.
“Endless Summer” di Bruce Brown.
Photo Cedits: Cover pic by Giampy.