Opinions on Bali. My impressions after dreaming of it for years. If you want to Visit Bali today, you have to know that you are late before leaving.
Interview with Matt Pancer: Surfer, Skater and YouTuber creator of the channel "Ras Kitchen" dedicated to the Jamaican cuisine, between travel and Surf in the Great Lakes of Canada.
A fun story about a Kitesurf "jumping" lesson without wind,with music from the House of Pain. And some tecniques about how to jump in kitesurfing.
I think it makes sense to dedicate one of the first articles of this travel Blog to the very first […]
Stating that "traveling increases your perspectives" sounds cliché, It's more interesting rather to tell you how this process work.
My tips for visiting Bali: tips and travel hacks to live the island of Bali at best, save money and avoid inconveniences.
Opinions on Bali. My impressions after dreaming of it for years. If you want to Visit Bali today, you have to know that you are late before leaving.
Money, just money. Sometimes it's all you're seen as as a tourist or a visitor. A short anecdote of myself in Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia...
An anecdote about a discussion about "size", and an introduction to Surf on giant waves. Even in the Surf the size counts...